Thursday, March 4, 2010

Pet Look-a-Like

TV Shows, street banners, commercials, and of course Internet have all at one point of time pushed forward an idea of humans and their pets who share the same physical characteristics.  

Some good pictures can be found here.

 We may look alike but do we act alike? I scavenged the web for any research or studies regarding humans passing their personality traits onto their pets.   

So far I now that both Blue and Indy, as kids in a bad marriage, run away as soon as one of the parents starts yelling or slamming doors as it has happened here.  

Blue also expresses jealousy, not only towards Indy, but when either Alfredo and Mariangela or Marianna and I hug.  

Furthermore, there is a myth going around for time after time that dogs can smell fear.  In one hand it does hold some truth since when scared we sweat more and they can smell that.  But often ignored is our body language: how we hold ourselves, how we look, what we do after approached.  It all plays a role.

The reason why I brought this issue up is because Marianna and I would always compare Blue and Indy with us. 

Blue is a loner, like me.  Indy loves to meet other dogs, like Mari.  Blue needs someone to play with him and be with him, like Mari.  Indy is fine by himself, like me.  I could list numerous other examples but could it be that we influence them so much that they become our avatars in a dog world? 

The six general personality types include:

A great article written by Maneka Gandhi can be found here.

 If you would like to find out what dog personality you have click here.
For another fun psychological quiz about you and your dog click here.
I also wanted to share this site: About your dogs health.

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