Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Picky Pup

We do not have any photos of Blue eating by himself.  There have been attempts to make him eat out of the bowl but those days are over.
Nowadays, we have come up with a system.  Indy, who is Sir Eat-a-Lot, licks his bowl inside out while we try to hand feed Blue.  Indies bowl just gets a cup or a cup and a half of food while Blue's gets two or two and a half.  Blue requires an audience so by the time he stops walking in circles brushing himself against us and the couch Indy is done with his food.

Then the fun starts: Blue would start slurping food from our palms and of course drop a fourth of them on the ground.  That is when iNdy, the main competitor to the household iRoomba, would vacuum the floor.  At the end both of them would have eaten the same amount of food.

To start the "feeding process" we would feed him single ones.
Sometimes he just would not budge so we would have to make him work for it.  Playing the guess game, incoming food, throwing them in the air for him to catch and sometimes not even that would work.
Switching hands helps, yelling "Chicken, Chicken" does too, putting the food on the pavement or tiles or even carpet would make him start eating.  The most effective way is for Alfredo to say "come, come" which is eat in Spanish.(and arrive in English) Blue's tail turns into twister that keeps knocking candles of the coffee table and his appetite awakens.
If you have a problem  with your pup disliking food visit this link.

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