Friday, January 29, 2010

Pussy Cats

Blue is a lion
Indy is a panther
But they are both just pussy cats.

While in and around the house their first response to every human or dog approaching is to bark first, ask questions later.  It is not in them to be aggressive and attack but a dog duo running gallop and rumble barking their throats out would scare even the most profound dog lover.  

On one occasion,  with a child fishing at the lake, they stormed out of the porch and rushed to the boy barking.  Like a unfocused lens aimed at a distant subject, it took them a while to get a image of what and who the boy was.  At ten feet away from him they stopped, looked and turned around.  In the meanwhile,  I could only imagine the thoughts running through the boys head.  What to do? How to defend myself? 

They are also known to bark extensively while in the car with lowered windows at a red light.  Bikers especially seem to avoid these kind of meets.  
While in the house they repeat a pattern.  Upstairs its: Room Window-Top of the Stairs.  Downstairs its: living room window-porch windows. Both patterns consist of little more than 20 feet which get covered furiously fast and incredibly loud.

I guess they are just misunderstood: like Kasper the ghost, they just want friends but in their attempts they scare everyone.

This blog offers many helpful ideas on how to understand your dog and why they do things they do.

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